‘In a caring Christian community, together we love, learn, laugh and achieve.’
Christ /Gospel Values
- To encourage everybody to live the Gospel values of tolerance, honesty, forgiveness, truth, justice and peace.
- To recognise Christ in everyone we meet.
We will do this by
- valuing everyone as diverse individuals
- treating everyone with love and respect regardless of differences
- promoting Gospel values through example
- teaching the Archdiocesan Religious Education Programme through the Come and See Scheme.
- sharing daily Collective Worship together
- celebrating achievements in assemblies
- encouraging all individuals to take responsibility for their own actions
- supporting Parish catechists in their role in preparing children for the Sacraments and helping pupils to understand the importance and significance of the Sacraments
- behaviour Policies to ensure everyone is cared for, happy and safe
- To provide a broad, balanced, relevant curriculum.
- To help each individual to achieve their full potential.
- To make learning fun.
We will do this by:
- providing a safe, secure, stimulating learning environment
- developing a differentiated curriculum for all individual needs
- providing equal opportunities for all
- promoting a healthy lifestyle and environment
- individual, class and whole school target setting
- Learning Mentor support for individuals and groups of children
- Giving pupils a voice through
- School Council
- Circle time
- Wish and Worry box
- offering a variety of after school clubs
- celebrating praise assemblies and weekly awards
- weekly awards
- Breakfast Club
- encouraging parents to work in partnership with the school
- encouraging staff to take part in regular CPD
- to promote a spirit of partnership within the community that enhances the life of the school
- to promote an open and welcoming atmosphere to all
- to encourage involvement in and responsibility within the local community
- to raise awareness of wider and global community
We will do this by:
- promoting mutual respect within our school community, where every individual feels valued
- looking after the school and the wider local environment
- valuing the work of the School Council
- providing opportunities for cooperative games
- fund raising for CAFOD, Good Shepherd and other good causes
- developing multicultural activities within the curriculum
- supporting Parish involvement in the Sacraments
- inviting the community to assemblies and other celebrations
- developing collaboration with other schools
- supporting St. Mark’s PTA
- holding Open Evenings and parent drop-ins
- weekly Newsletters
- visits to local places of interest
- sharing our school building with Hollies Playgroup, St. Mary’s Nursery, Drama and Dance club and SN Sport
A St. Mark’s child is a happy child!