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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3’s class page

The children have settled into Year Three brilliantly and we are so excited for the year ahead. Please check our school app for regular updates and photos of what the children are getting up to throughout the year.

Key Information


Children all have a home reading book which they read both in school and at home. When the children have read the books fully and are able to answer questions to demonstrate their understanding their books will be changed. It is important that each time the children read at home their reading record is signed. Reading books are to come into school every day, so if there is any extra time in the day we can read with the children.


Spelling homework is sent home on Mondays and needs to be completed, practised and returned to school on Fridays. Times table homework is sent home on Fridays and is to be completed and returned to school on Mondays.

Water bottles

It would be brilliant if every child has a water bottle for school to enable them to drink as much as possible during the school day, especially when the weather is warm and for after P.E. lessons. If your child would like to bring a snack for playtime, we encourage them to eat a healthy snack.


Our PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays. On those days, the children should come into school wearing their P.E. kit. They will keep this on for the whole day. Our school P.E. kit is maroon shorts and a yellow top. If it is cold, children can wear leggings under their school shorts or wear jogging bottoms.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you for your support,

Miss Wilson, Mrs Kaye, Mrs Perrin and Mrs Luff

Year 3 News

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