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Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 Class Page

Welcome to our Year 5 Class Page. Miss Ashton, Mr Cushion and I are eager for the year ahead. We have many fantastic opportunities for you to experience and we are going to be very busy learning so many new and exciting things, together!  Make sure you check this page and our school twitter page regularly for updates regarding key information and photographs of our Year 5 journey.

Please find some key information below that you may find useful.

Key Information


We aim to provide a one to one reading experience with children twice a week, more where possible.  Children’s books will be changed on these days and they will be available to take home, along with their Reading Record. Please write a comment in the planner when you have listened to your child read. If your child reads any additional books at home for pleasure, it would be lovely to see this in their reading record, too.  Please ensure your child brings their reading book into school every day (even if they haven’t read at home). 


DailyReading books
(to be returned on a Friday) – Spellings
10 that have a spelling rule and 5 that are taken from the statutory spellings for Year 5. 
Friday (to be returned Monday) – Maths and English

Homework will alternate each week for these subjects.

Water bottles and snacks

It would be brilliant if every child has a named water bottle in school to enable them to drink as much as possible, especially when the weather is warm and for after P.E. lessons. There will be a water bottle station within the classroom that children will have access to at all times.  As we are trying to look after our environment, bringing a reusable water bottle enables us to be more sustainable.  If your child brings a snack for break time, we would encourage them to choose a healthy snack.

PE and Swimming

Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Children will need to come into school wearing their PE kit. They will keep this on for the full day.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Schofield x

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