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Year 4

Welcome to our Year 4 Class Page

Mrs Mason and I are really looking forward to the year ahead. We have so many fantastic opportunities for you to learn this year and we can’t wait for you to join us! 

Make sure you check this page regularly, as it will be updated with key information and updates of our journey in year 4! 

Please find some key information below that you may find useful. 

Key Information


Please ensure your child brings their home reader in every day, even if they haven’t read at home. This is to make sure children are regularly reading with an adult in school. Children are given reading books to take home with their Reading Record. Please comment in the planner when you have listened to your child read. If your child reads any additional books at home for pleasure, it would be lovely to see this in their reading record too. 


Reading books will be sent home weekly as well as spellings which are linked to statutory words for years 3 and 4.

Homework will alternate weekly between Maths and English.

Homework is set on a Monday, to be returned the following Monday. This gives them a full week to complete their homework. If they are finding their homework difficult we encourage them to ask for support in school before it is due in.

Water bottles and Snack 

It would be brilliant if every child has a named, water bottle in school to enable them to drink as much as possible, especially when the weather is warm and for after P.E. lessons. 

If your child would like to bring a snack for playtime, we encourage them to eat a healthy snack. 

PE Days 

Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday

Thank you for your support, 

Miss McHugh

Year 4 News

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