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School Uniform

At St. Mark’s we ask parents to support our aim to maintain an agreed standard of dress. We appreciate the cost of children’s clothing and have sought the best value for money when selecting suppliers for uniform items.  The school tie is available from school, but the maroon school pullover embroidered with the school name and logo, will be available, all year round, from Laser Schoolwear, 46 St. Mary’s Road, Garston, L19 2JD, Tel No: 0151 494 9455

Click on link below to visit their website.

Uniform items are as follows:

Winter Uniform
Grey shorts
Grey trousers
Grey skirt/pinafore
Maroon V-necked jumper
Maroon cardigan
White shirt
School tie
School Baseball cap
Black shoes(not trainers)
Grey socks
White, grey or maroon socks/tights
 Summer Uniform
Grey Shorts(Y3-Y6 optional)
Short-sleeved white shirt
White polo shirt

Yellow CHECKED dresses

White shoes NOT sling backs (optional)

The only acceptable jumpers, cardigans and jogging suits, are the ones embroidered with the school name and logo.  Girls in Years 3-6 may wear trousers but they must be grey tailored, straight legged, trousers similar to those worn by the boys.

All items of school clothing should be clearly marked with the child’s name. This is the only way that we can successfully trace lost items of clothing. When anything is lost, children should report the matter immediately. Neither the school nor the Local Authority has insurance which will cover your child’s property in the event of it being lost, nor does the school have any such fund which can be used to cover any such losses. Parents are advised to ensure that their own Household insurance policy covers all items of personal property whilst in school. Similarly, neither the school nor the Local Authority has insurance to cover accidental injury to children and parents should ensure that their insurance policy covers such eventualities.

Jewellery is not to be worn in school for Health and Safety reasons.  The only item that can be worn is a watch.  Girls who have pierced ears may wear studs.  Any other types of earrings, rings, chains or bracelets must not be worn in school.

Children should come to school wearing their school PE kit on PE days. We have a school P.E. kit which can be obtained from school or from Laser Schoolwear which is maroon PE shorts and a yellow PE polo top. Laser Schoolwear also sell our winter PE tracksuit.  In line with official recommendations, children do indoor PE in their bare feet. If for any short term medical reason children need footwear for PE then pumps should be worn. For games, trainers are appropriate footwear, children playing football may wear football boots.

Year 1 – 6 have a block of 8 swimming lessons. For this lesson children will need a swimming costume, towel and the children with long hair must have a bathing cap.